Regional council fish scientists carry out regular surveys on streams rivers and lakes using three different methods to sample fish numbers

Useful link: New Zealand Freshwater Fish Sampling Protocols.pdf.

Backpack electrofishing

Fish are stunned by an electric impulse delivered through a submerged electrode at the end of a pole, and collected in a net to be counted, measured and logged.


DOC - Electrofishing synopsis

Fyke Netting

Fyke nets are essentially a type of cylindrical fish trap which contain a series of funnel-shaped openings which make it easy for fish to enter the trap but very difficult to for them to make their way out. One or more vertical sections of netting, called leaders, extend from the mouth of the fyke net and guide swimming fish into the net. Fyke nets are considered a type of passive sampling gear because they rely on fish to willingly encounter and enter the net (Hubert 1996). They can be used to sample freshwater fish in a wide range of environments, including lakes, wetlands, rivers and streams - source DOC


DOC - passive nets

Make it stand out

Spotlighting at night is a great way to see our native fish. Many are nocturnal and feel safe to come out and feed under cover of darkness.


DOC - Spotlighting synopsis