This is a working/draft of my new poster as of the end of March 2023. To date, all the fish have been photographed live in a portable tank on locations around the country. Then returned unharmed to the waterway they came from, except for Catfish, for a good reason! I still need to photograph a Koi Carp, Carp and Gambusia. I need some help finding those. The poster features a representative selection of New Zealand’s freshwater fish. The physical poster is A1 size (594mm x 841mm) and designed to be a conversation starter for educators, in particular primary schools. A QR code on the poster is linked to this website, where teachers can follow live links to relent resource material that may be useful for class projects.

Car boot studio

Customed designed tank, filled with stream water in the car boot studio. Image captured by multiple electronic flashes using a Nikon D850 and 60mm macro lens.

Fish supply

Waikato regional council scientific research team during a survey. Fish were caught by electrofishing and photographed on location and returned to the stream.

Waiting to be film stars

Kōura and a Bully in a bucket waiting to be photographed